
The success of a brand is highly dependent on its strategy
A strategy is the core of a brand and its promise. It not only informs the present but the future of the brand. We at Life Jacket help you create a strategy tailored to your ideas, your brand, your promise. Brand Core/Essence, Brand Positioning, Proposition.


A brand is the overlap of a promise and experience
We at Life Jacket deliver this experience and promise and articulate it visually by crafting bespoke designs across all platforms. Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Brand Guidelines.


The presence of a brand is a result of good marketing
Whether you are looking for creating your presence in the world or enhancing your brand, Life Jacket is the answer. Marketing Strategy, Social Media Directions, Campaigns, Creative Copywriting, Web & App Design, Motion Graphics.

Experience design

Experiences are the pillars of our social construct
It defines the association of your brand in the world among the sea of other brands and their products. Life Jacket helps you create experiences that deliver your brand’s promise and purpose.

Different approach?

For outliers like you
we at Life Jacket can create tailored services for your ideas, brands and desired solutions. Contact us and let’s have a chat.Custom leads to the contact page with a specific section where the client has to answer some questions.